Mayor Cooper Claims Metro Schools May Open Up ‘Very Soon’


Mayor John Cooper claimed on Thursday that Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) may open up in the near future. He cited the downturn in local COVID-19 case metrics as the main indicator of this prediction, though he didn’t offer any specific timelines.

“[O]ur COVID metrics continue to improve,” stated Cooper. “We’re working with public health and MNPS to evaluate the timely and responsible return of an in-person learning option on a daily basis. Current case trends will allow MNPS to have an in-person option very soon.”

Cooper clarified that, although the area is experiencing an “optimistic trend” and steady progress with the vaccine rollout, the community’s disease numbers ultimately determine any possibility of phased in-person learning.

The mayor explained that the COVID-19 metrics in Nashville have been steadily improving. He shared that there were just over 4,700 total active cases, a 44 percent improvement January 11 peak of over 8,500 cases. According to Cooper, that panned out to an average of 58.2 cases per 100,000 residents, which is down from 72 cases per 100,000 last Thursday. Additionally, officials reported that hospitalizations have dropped by 36 percent from December peak, case fatality rate is half the national and state average, and the transmission rates are slowing down.

Metro Nashville and Davidson County Government Coronavirus Task Force Chair Dr. Alex Jahangir affirmed that the pandemic metrics have improved across the board. Jahangir added that at-risk individuals who were infected should consider seeking out monoclonal antibody treatments, offered in multiple facilities across the state.

However, Jahangir couldn’t offer any estimated dates for reopening schools either.

“I do think schools should reopen with the protocols and the resources that are needed in each situation and each school to reopen safely,” stated Jahangir.

Metro Public Health Department Interim Chief Medical Director Dr. Gill Wright reported that there no cases of the new COVID-19 variants have occurred to date in Nashville. Wright also claimed that the new variants are 30 to 70 percent more contagious.

Additionally, Cooper extended the curfew for bars and restaurants that serve alcohol to midnight rather than 11 p.m. CST, starting Monday, February 1. Those restaurants that don’t serve alcohol may resume all normal business hours – even up to 24 hours a day.

As of their latest school board meeting, MNPS hasn’t offered an estimated date for reopening schools.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].
Photo “John Cooper” by






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8 Thoughts to “Mayor Cooper Claims Metro Schools May Open Up ‘Very Soon’”

  1. Mel

    Nuremberg Trial coming to a Health Department and Government near you!

  2. Horatio Bunce

    “Additionally, Cooper extended the curfew for bars and restaurants that serve alcohol to midnight rather than 11 p.m. CST, starting Monday, February 1. Those restaurants that don’t serve alcohol may resume all normal business hours – even up to 24 hours a day.”

    LOL, because junk science. How does the virus know if you are having alcohol with your meal?

  3. rick

    Well laughing boy from his Christmas day interview about the downtown bombing where he laughed thru the bombing interview uncontrollably is back. This guy has some real problems. They will all come out when someone does some investigative work on this moron. China Joe the Commander in Thief is in office and now its all safe to open schools. Its a miracle!!! What a joke!

  4. Double Ugly Phantom

    Could he be any more of a destructive Doofus? We closed an entire country – and he shut down our local community – for a virus that has a survival rate of over 99%. This statistic is the only real statistic that is important. Is it beneficial for some groups to have been extraordinarily careful due to “science” and co-morbities? Absolutely! But this should have been a personal decision. It would have been in a free country that does not allow for a great city like Nashville to be run by a petty tyrant. I know this is sugar-coated, but I don’t want to be a trigger for a snowflake Democrat .

  5. “Optimistic trend” – code word for Trump out of office.

  6. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

    They should have never been closed.

  7. Julie

    I believe this man is complicit in the lockdown, mask, and social distancing covid scam. I also believe Trump’s NSA has evidence of this which will be revealed soon. Trump began draining the swamp and replacing people when he first entered office. Sit back and enjoy the show.

    1. mikey whipwreck

      i wish this would happen but the fact is, the swamp won. it colluded to get rid of trump. and succeeded.
